Виды оружия
Название Описание Физ. атака Маг. атака
Bestows either Guidance, Focus or Critical Damage.139.076.0
CalibursCritical Damage
SA Enhancement: Increases P. Atk. by 213 during a critical attack.139.076.0
SA Enhancement: Increases Critical Attack by
SA Enhancement: Increases Accuracy by
Ecliptic Sword
Bestows either Empower, Magic Power, or Magic Silence.125.0111.0
Ecliptic SwordEmpower
SA Enhancement: Increases M. Atk. by 26.125.0111.0
Ecliptic SwordMagic Power
SA Enhancement: When using magic, increases MP Consumption by 15% and M. Atk. by 112.125.0111.0
Ecliptic SwordMagic Silence
SA Enhancement: When using bad magic on a target, it silences the target with a success rate of 10%. Effect 1.125.0111.0
Homunkulus's Sword
Bestows one of the following functions: Acumen, Conversion or Paralyze.111.0101.0
Homunkulus's SwordAcumen
SA Enhancement: Increases Casting Spd. by 15%.111.0101.0
Homunkulus's SwordConversion
SA Enhancement: Increases maximum MP by 60% and decreases maximum HP by 40%.111.0101.0
Homunkulus's SwordMagic Paralyze
SA Enhancement: Increases the chances of causing paralysis by 5% when using Dark Magic upon a target. Effect 1.111.0101.0
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Critical Damage or Haste.122.068.0
KatanaCritical Damage
SA Enhancement: Increases P. Atk. by 194 during a critical attack.122.068.0
SA Enhancement: Increases Critical Attack by
SA Enhancement: Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.122.068.0
Mysterious Sword
Bestows either Acumen, Magic Power, or Magic Weakness.85.081.0
Mysterious SwordAcumen
SA Enhancement: Increases Casting Spd. by 15%.85.081.0
Mysterious SwordMagic Power
SA Enhancement: When using magic, increases MP Consumption by 15% and M. Atk. by
Mysterious SwordMagic Weakness
SA Enhancement: Casts Curse Weakness against the target with an 8% chance of success when using bad magic. Effect
Raid Sword
Bestows either Focus, Critical Drain or Critical Poison122.068.0
Raid SwordCritical Drain
SA Enhancement: User absorbs 9 HP from target during critical attack.122.068.0
Raid SwordCritical Poison
SA Enhancement: 15% chance that target will be poisoned during critical attack. Effect 5122.068.0
Raid SwordFocus
SA Enhancement: Increases Critical Attack by
Samurai Longsword
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Critical Damage or Haste.156.083.0
Samurai LongswordCritical Damage
SA Enhancement: Increases P. Atk. by 231 during a critical attack.156.083.0
Samurai LongswordFocus
SA Enhancement: Increases Critical Attack by
Samurai LongswordHaste
SA Enhancement: Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.156.083.0
Bestows one of the following functions: Guidance, Back Blow, Rsk. Or Evasion.122.068.0
ShamshirBack Blow
SA Enhancement: Increases Critical Attack by 67 when attacking the enemy from behind.122.068.0
SA Enhancement: Increases Accuracy by
ShamshirRsk. Evasion
SA Enhancement: Increases Evasion by 7 when HP becomes 60% or lower.122.068.0
Spirit Sword
Bestows either Critical Damage, Critical Poison or Haste122.068.0
Spirit SwordCritical Damage
SA Enhancement: Increases P. Atk. by 194 during a critical attack.122.068.0
Spirit SwordCritical Poison
SA Enhancement: 15% chance that target will be poisoned during critical attack. Effect 5122.068.0
Spirit SwordHaste
SA Enhancement: Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.122.068.0
Bestows one of the following functions: Critical Anger, Focus or Light.107.061.0
StormbringerCritical Anger
SA Enhancement: Decreases player's HP by 12 while increasing P. Atk. by 248 during a critical attack.107.061.0
SA Enhancement: Increases Critical Attack by
SA Enhancement: Reduces a weapon's weight by half.107.061.0
Sword of Delusion
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Health, or Rsk. Haste.139.076.0
Sword of DelusionFocus
SA Enhancement: Increases Critical Attack by
Sword of DelusionHealth
SA Enhancement: Increases maximum HP by 25%.139.076.0
Sword of DelusionRsk. Haste
SA Enhancement: Increases Atk. Spd. by 12% when HP drops to 60% or lower.139.076.0
Sword of Limit
Bestows one of the following functions: Guidance, Critical Drain, or Health.139.076.0
Sword of LimitCritical Drain
SA Enhancement: Absorbs HP +9 from target during a critical attack.139.076.0
Sword of LimitGuidance
SA Enhancement: Increases the accuracy rate to
Sword of LimitHealth
SA Enhancement: Increases maximum HP by 25%.139.076.0
Sword of Nightmare
Bestows one of the following functions: Health, Focus, or Light.139.076.0
Sword of NightmareFocus
SA Enhancement: Increases Critical Attack by
Sword of NightmareHealth
SA Enhancement: Increases maximum HP by 25%.139.076.0
Sword of NightmareLight
SA Enhancement: Reduces a weapon's weight by half.139.076.0
Sword of Whispering Death
Bestows one of the following functions: Empower, Magic Power or Magic Silence.111.0101.0
Sword of Whispering DeathEmpower
SA Enhancement: Increases M. Atk. by 24.111.0101.0
Sword of Whispering DeathMagic Power
SA Enhancement: Increases MP consumption by 15% and increases M. Atk. by 99 during magic use.111.0101.0
Sword of Whispering DeathMagic Silence
SA Enhancement: Increases the chances of causing Silence by 10% when using Dark Magic. Effect 1.111.0101.0
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Critical Damage or Haste.139.076.0
TsurugiCritical Damage
SA Enhancement: Increases P. Atk. by 213 during a critical attack.139.076.0
SA Enhancement: Increases Critical Attack by
SA Enhancement: Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.139.076.0